Friday, July 24, 2009
Thing 23
I think Web 2.0 is da bomb. There are so many uses for it. I hope the students have as much fun with it as I did. It is also good for the earth, it cuts down on paper use, so less paper waste.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thing 22
I checked out all of the sites that were suggested, the 2 I liked the most were and
I signed up for both of these. The students can use the tadalist to use to make a list of what they need for projects. with creately they can use to draw things for projects. and
I signed up for both of these. The students can use the tadalist to use to make a list of what they need for projects. with creately they can use to draw things for projects.
Thing 5d
I liked the artical on my google reader under Free Technology for Teachers. It is called WatchKnow. It is a site with 1000's of edicational videos covering many subjects. This can be of great use in the class room with research.
Thing 21
I had a blast with this. I think this is the most fun yet. I guess you saved the best for last. there is so much we can do with this in the classroom!!!! This is another great thing that the students are going to LOVE using and playing with while they are learning. this is the link to my page:
Thing 20
I know we were not going to do a post for this but I just had to let everyone know how much I liked The Library Thing. I love to read and this has made my weekend!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thing 19
Boy thing 19 about whipped my butt. It took me forever to figure out how to use it. I think once I get some more practice on it I will be ok. I think this is going to be another tool that the students in class will have fun learning to use. they love music videos so I think they will love this also.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thing 15
I liked Google Docs a lot. I have some many forms that I have to use, now I can use this and share them with everyone that I work with. Its going to make it a lot easier to edit and save with Google Docs. I have to take lunch orders for our school, because our lunches come from Russell and this way I can send any edits directly to the teacher.
Thing 18
We are going to be able to use these in the classrooms for projects for the students. Instead of using paper and markers, they can use the podcasting and share with classmates and the entire school. It goes back to they think they are having fun but they are learning at the same time.
Thing 17
I say the same thing about this social network that I have about the last: This is going to help us be able to see and get ideas on what other city, towns and states are doing in there classrooms, and see if it might be something that we can use our selves.
Thing 16
- What were your feelings on social networking before you took this course? Were you active in any form of social networking before you took this course? If so, was it personal or professional? Yes I am a member of both myspace and Facebook. I am a member for personal reasons and to keep an eye on my boys.
- If you've never gotten involved in social networking for professional purposes, had you ever considered using web-based tools as means of networking with other educators before? No I never really thought about being able to use social networking for professional reasons, but now I will.
- Regarding PLNs (Personal/Professional Learning Networks), what are your initial thoughts about them? It looks to me like we can use these to share Ideas with people not only in our school, our district, but all over.
- Looking at your own professional practices, do you think building your own PLN could benefit you? Why or why not? YES! This will enable me to share my thoughts quicker with everyone.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thing 11
This is my slide show. Just a little of Georgia Historic Sites. Dont ya just love our State
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thing 5c
'I Really Believe God Was in There With Me'
Metro Crash Survivor Says His Long Reliance on Prayer Saw Him Through
This story touched my heart. What this young man has been through, and to have survived. That just goes to show you that all things a possible with God and prayers. If you need to be uplifted, please read this. I think I need this to help me with my son going to Afghanistan.
'I Really Believe God Was in There With Me'
Metro Crash Survivor Says His Long Reliance on Prayer Saw Him Through
This story touched my heart. What this young man has been through, and to have survived. That just goes to show you that all things a possible with God and prayers. If you need to be uplifted, please read this. I think I need this to help me with my son going to Afghanistan.
Thing 14
Beleive it or not I have used you tube before. there is some funny stuff on there. I really like Teacher Tube. We can send the students to a site to watch videos, and it goes back to them thinking they are having fun but are learning at the same time.This is a video that I found that I liked. My oldest son is a Civil War nut. Hope y'all enjoy it.
Thing 13
Boy was this a headache for me to start with, But once i figured out how to use it I love it. You know we always have some student in the class that LOVE to talk. This could be their job, to make the comments for any projects that are done in the class. They could have a script to go by and they could use the voice threads. The students are going to be blown away with all the new technology when they come back.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Thing 12
These sites were awesome. With xtranormal the students can make a cartoon as a project that they do in the class room. Then this cartoon can be shared with the entire school. I know they would have a great time making there own cartoon movie. They can make their own characters, make their own props, and make their own voice overlays.
With wordle we could use this in language arts and they can combine words that have a common link. This will stretch their imagination.
Both of these will be great tools in the class room.
These sites were awesome. With xtranormal the students can make a cartoon as a project that they do in the class room. Then this cartoon can be shared with the entire school. I know they would have a great time making there own cartoon movie. They can make their own characters, make their own props, and make their own voice overlays.
With wordle we could use this in language arts and they can combine words that have a common link. This will stretch their imagination.
Both of these will be great tools in the class room.
Thing 5b
This site was awesome!!!! The students can play games while learning about history such as:
African History
American History
The Constitution
The Iron Age
and many, many more. I joined so now I can play also. The students wont know what hit them. Learning while they play, this is to good to be true.
This site was awesome!!!! The students can play games while learning about history such as:
African History
American History
The Constitution
The Iron Age
and many, many more. I joined so now I can play also. The students wont know what hit them. Learning while they play, this is to good to be true.
Thing 10

Photo by courious expeditions

Thing 9
- Have you noticed the CC logo on any websites you visit? Did you wonder what it meant?
- I have never notices it on websites.
- Do you think CC will impact the way students learn and create projects? How?
- They are going to have to be more careful on what they use in their projects.
- Do you use digital images, audio or video clips from the web in your teaching (or professional practice)?
- Sometimes we do.
- Do you ever share content on the web?
- Yes I have shared content on the web, through Myspace.
- Who owns your teaching materials?
- Not sure, but I would think it would be Barrow County Schools.
- What are some potential negatives for using CC?
- Puts a limit on what we, the teachers and students can use.
Monday, July 6, 2009
My son and the war
I don't know about the rest of you mothers out there, but we just got word that my 18 year old son is going to have to go to Afghanistan the end of the month. This scares the devil out of me. My children are my life and I just cant imagine trying to go on if something happened to him. Don't get me wrong I am very proud of him, and for the rest of the men and women that risk their lives for the freedom of our country. I just ask that anyone who reads this say a quick prayer for my son and for all the others over there.
Thing 7
These are the wikis that I viewed:
My principle and I have already talked about using the discoveryutopias, and the holocaust wikis. We both think that these would be great learning tools for the students. I also like the schools then but we would have to rework it some so we could use it in the Middle School Class room. I am so excited up about this new year and how I am going to be able to use all that I have already learned.
My principle and I have already talked about using the discoveryutopias, and the holocaust wikis. We both think that these would be great learning tools for the students. I also like the schools then but we would have to rework it some so we could use it in the Middle School Class room. I am so excited up about this new year and how I am going to be able to use all that I have already learned.
Thing 7
It took me a while to get around in Diigo, but once I did I LIKE what I saw. I bookmarked some sites that can be of use in the class for the teachers and I also booked marked some sites that the students would like. I think that I am going to show the students how to use this when they get back so they can keep up with their interests.
Thing 5a
The person that wrote this hit the nail on the head. It is not up to us to judge one another, not that it will stop us from taking about it, there is only one person that can judge us, and I'm sure he has already been judged. Sure everyone makes mistakes, that's part of life, but we need to learn from these mistakes and go forward in our lives. Once we dwell on these mistakes they will begin to eat at us until we can no longer take it. We need to live our lives to the fullest each day, and keep in mind that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, its just the Man upstairs that matters.
The person that wrote this hit the nail on the head. It is not up to us to judge one another, not that it will stop us from taking about it, there is only one person that can judge us, and I'm sure he has already been judged. Sure everyone makes mistakes, that's part of life, but we need to learn from these mistakes and go forward in our lives. Once we dwell on these mistakes they will begin to eat at us until we can no longer take it. We need to live our lives to the fullest each day, and keep in mind that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, its just the Man upstairs that matters.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Civial war in Four Mins
This link is great I lkie the way the lines between the north and the south kept changing when one of them would win a battlw, and to see the way the deaths kept changing. I also liked the dateline it gave also.
Thing 2
After reading some of the blogs from other teachers i can see how a teacher can encourage a student to keep up the good work. It was touching how all the posts from Patricks blog lifted him up. I bet he did pass 5th grade. I like to see the thoughts of the people that post a blog and to see the reply both agreeing with and disagreeing with the post. When you write from your heart the words just seem to flow, you dont have to stop and think about what you are saying.
Thing 1-B
*With the Web 2.o I can see the teachers here using it to share ideas and to correlate lesson plans. The article just amazed me in the way that they use the blogs and how quick they were able to get the word out.
*The student seem to learn faster and better with hands on. With this I can see them thinking they were having fun but learning instead. They love to text, search the Internet, and go to myspace, and facebook, so I can see this WORKING in our school.
*Have them learn while they are doing something they like to do " Being on the computer"
*The student seem to learn faster and better with hands on. With this I can see them thinking they were having fun but learning instead. They love to text, search the Internet, and go to myspace, and facebook, so I can see this WORKING in our school.
*Have them learn while they are doing something they like to do " Being on the computer"
About Me
*My name is Marlene and I work at the Barrow County Alternative School. Most people when the hear where I work the say "Oh I'm sorry that you have to work with all of those bad children", and I tell them they are not bad they just made a bad choice at some point.
*I work with the middle school children, grades 6-8. You know that age where thay think they know everything, and they are tring to find their selves.
*I have been in education now for almost 4 years. I love what I do, and I love the children that I work with.
*I hope this course will help me be more uptodate with what the children are doing. You know that they think we dont know anything.
*I hop this will help to be able to share my thoughts and views with other people in education.
*I work with the middle school children, grades 6-8. You know that age where thay think they know everything, and they are tring to find their selves.
*I have been in education now for almost 4 years. I love what I do, and I love the children that I work with.
*I hope this course will help me be more uptodate with what the children are doing. You know that they think we dont know anything.
*I hop this will help to be able to share my thoughts and views with other people in education.
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