Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing 1-B

*With the Web 2.o I can see the teachers here using it to share ideas and to correlate lesson plans. The article just amazed me in the way that they use the blogs and how quick they were able to get the word out.

*The student seem to learn faster and better with hands on. With this I can see them thinking they were having fun but learning instead. They love to text, search the Internet, and go to myspace, and facebook, so I can see this WORKING in our school.

*Have them learn while they are doing something they like to do " Being on the computer"


  1. Hi, Marlene!
    I was also fascinated by all the use of blogs and bookmarking that helped students and teachers collaborate. Do you think the teachers and administrators would get behind a plan like this? I've always worked in high schools, and they seem so BIG- too many gainsayers to try something new across the board- but it would be a great way to unite everyone, promote cross-curricular learning, and involve the students in actively seeking information and learning experiences. They could really feel inspired to push themselves to greater achievements.

  2. I think that if approchaed in the right way it can be done. With the school I work in there are only 18 teachers so I think it would work good.
