Monday, June 29, 2009

Civial war in Four Mins

This link is great I lkie the way the lines between the north and the south kept changing when one of them would win a battlw, and to see the way the deaths kept changing. I also liked the dateline it gave also.

Thing 2

After reading some of the blogs from other teachers i can see how a teacher can encourage a student to keep up the good work. It was touching how all the posts from Patricks blog lifted him up. I bet he did pass 5th grade. I like to see the thoughts of the people that post a blog and to see the reply both agreeing with and disagreeing with the post. When you write from your heart the words just seem to flow, you dont have to stop and think about what you are saying.

Thing 1-B

*With the Web 2.o I can see the teachers here using it to share ideas and to correlate lesson plans. The article just amazed me in the way that they use the blogs and how quick they were able to get the word out.

*The student seem to learn faster and better with hands on. With this I can see them thinking they were having fun but learning instead. They love to text, search the Internet, and go to myspace, and facebook, so I can see this WORKING in our school.

*Have them learn while they are doing something they like to do " Being on the computer"

About Me

*My name is Marlene and I work at the Barrow County Alternative School. Most people when the hear where I work the say "Oh I'm sorry that you have to work with all of those bad children", and I tell them they are not bad they just made a bad choice at some point.

*I work with the middle school children, grades 6-8. You know that age where thay think they know everything, and they are tring to find their selves.

*I have been in education now for almost 4 years. I love what I do, and I love the children that I work with.

*I hope this course will help me be more uptodate with what the children are doing. You know that they think we dont know anything.

*I hop this will help to be able to share my thoughts and views with other people in education.